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School shootings essay

School shootings essay

school shootings essay

WebIn recent years, a quite common violent crime has drawn the attention of many, school shootings. These events have changed school communities across the nation in that law WebSchool Shootings and Gun Control Words: Pages: 7 Killing people for pleasure or killing people because a person has mental problem should be an issue to look into. WebApr 10,  · The assailants have been boys from primarily middle class or affluent families, many of whom have no previous criminal records. The attacks do not appear to

School Shooting Essay - College Essay Examples

A school shooting is an attack at an educational institutionschool shootings essay, such as a primary school, secondary school, high school or university, involving the use of firearms. Many school shootings are also categorized as mass shootings due to multiple casualties. According to studies, factors behind school shooting include easy access to firearms, family dysfunction, school shootings essay, lack of family supervision, and mental illness among many other psychological issues. Especially in the United States, school shootings have sparked a political debate over gun violencezero tolerance policies, gun rights and gun control. The United States Secret Service published the results from a study regarding 37 school shooting incidents, involving 41 individuals in the United States from December through May The results from the study indicated that perpetrators came from differing backgrounds, making a singular profile difficult when identifying a possible assailant.

The majority of individuals had rarely or never gotten into trouble at school and had a healthy social life. Some, such as Alan Lipmanhave warned against the dearth of empirical validity of profiling methods. Almost all perpetrators of school shootings were born male and identified as male at the time of the shooting. According to Raineimmaturity is one of many identified factors increasing the likelihood of an individual committing criminal acts of violence and outbursts of aggression. According to the Australian-based Raising children network and Centre for Adolescent Health and other sources : [10] the main change occurring in the developing brain during adolescence is the so-called pruning of unused connections in thinking and processing.

While this is occurring within the brain, retained connections are strengthened. Synaptic pruning occurs because the nervous system in humans develops by firstly, the over-producing of parts of the nervous system, axonsneuronsand synapsesto then later in the development of the nervous system, make the superfluous parts redundant, school shootings essay, i. pruning or apoptosisotherwise known as cell death, school shootings essay. While the pre-frontal cortex is developing, children and teenagers might possibly rely more on the brain part known as the amygdala ; involving thinking that is more emotionally active, including aggression and impulsiveness, school shootings essay. As a consequence each individual is more likely to want to make riskier choices, and to do so more frequently.

One assumption into the catalytic causes of school shootings comes from the "non-traditional" household perspective, which focuses on how family structure and family stability are related to child outcomes. This perspective is found to back federal efforts such as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act PRWORA of [19] and US federal tax incentives. However, these assumptions on the detrimental effects of "non-traditional" family structures have repeatedly been shown to be false, with the true issues lying within socio-economic realities. For example, a survey conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration SAMHSA revealed that substance abuse amongst children raised by single mothers was higher than children raised by their biological parents.

However, the percentage of substance abuse amongst children raised by single-mothers was not only remarkably low 5. In the U. Harvard's Baker Foundation Professor, Emerita, Dr. Teresa M. Amabile states, "Those kinds of events can crush a child, they can lead to a lot of problems; they can lead to substance abuse, they can lead to various forms of emotional illness. They can also lead to incredible resilience and almost superhuman behaviors, seemingly, if people can come through those experiences intact. George S. Everly, Jr, of The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health outlined an accumulation of seven, school shootings essay, recurring themes that warrant consideration regarding school shooters.

However, this has proven to be as difficult of a question to answer as anticipating any of the past school shootings. This has led many to question whether parents should be held criminally negligent for their children's gun-related crimes. Bya total of four parents were convicted of failing to lock up the guns that were used to shoot up US schools by their children. The FBI offer a guide for helping to identify potential school shooters, The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective. The student insists on an inordinate degree of privacy, and parents have little information about his activities, school life, friends, or other relationships.

The parents school shootings essay intimidated by their child. They may fear he will attack them physically if they confront or frustrate him, or they may be unwilling to face an emotional outburst, or they may be afraid that upsetting the child will spark an emotional crisis, school shootings essay. Traditional family roles are reversed: for example, the child acts as if he were the authority figure, while parents act as if they were the children. The student may have a TV in his own room or is otherwise free without any limits to spend as much time as he likes watching violent or otherwise inappropriate shows.

The school shootings essay spends a great deal of time watching television rather than in activities with family or friends. Similarly, parents do not monitor computer school shootings essay or Internet access. The student may know much more about computers than the parents do, and the computer may be considered off limits to the parents while the student is secretive about school shootings essay computer use, which may involve violent school shootings essay or Internet research on violence, weapons, or other disturbing subjects. This last passage includes the archaic notion that violent video games leads to school shootings.

The FBI offer three cautions with their guide, 1 No trait or characteristic should be considered in isolation or given more weight than the others, 2 One bad day may not reflect a student's real personality or usual behavior, and 3 Many of these traits and behaviors are seen in adolescents with other, non-violent, issues. Daniel SchechterClinical Psychiatrist, wrote that for a baby to develop into a troubled adolescent who then turns lethally violent, a convergence of multiple interacting factors must occur, that is "every bit as complicated as it is for a tornado to form on a school shootings essay spring day in Kansas".

No more than they could come from attentive, educated, negligent, single, married, abusive, or loving parents. They may not hit back, but school shootings essay definitely ruminate. This school shootings essay of three enables the bully to easily create public humiliation for their victim. Students who are bullied tend to develop behavioral problems, school shootings essay, depression, less self-control and poorer social skills, and to do worse in school. Often, they are rejected by their peers and follow through by restoring justice in what they see as an unjust situation. Their plan for restoration many times results in violence as shown by the school shooters. The Uvalde shooter who killed 21 people was frequently bullied in 4th grade at Robb Elementary school. Although the vast majority of mentally ill individuals are non-violent, [38] some evidence has suggested that mental illness or mental health symptoms are nearly universal among school shooters.

A report by the US Secret Service and US Department of Education found evidence that a majority of school shooters displayed evidence of mental health symptoms, often undiagnosed or untreated. McGinty and colleagues conducted a study to find out if people tended to associate the violence of school shootings with mental illness, at the expense of other factors such as the availability of high-capacity magazines. One group read an article that presented only the facts of the case. A different group read an article about the same shooting, but in it the author advocated for gun restrictions for people with mental illness, school shootings essay.

Another group read about the shooting in an article that suggested the proposal to ban large-capacity magazines, which acted to advocate that shootings could stem from a societal problem rather than an individual problem. The control group did not read anything. Participants were then all asked to fill in a questionnaire asking about their views on gun control and whether they thought there should be restrictions on high-capacity magazines. Despite the fact that the article exposed the readers to both the mental illness of the shooter, and the fact that the shooter used high-capacity magazines, participants advocated more for gun restrictions on people with mental illness rather than bans on high-capacity magazines.

This suggests that people believe mental illness is the culprit for school shootings in lieu of the accessibility of guns or other environmental factors. The authors expressed concern that proposals to target gun control laws at people with mental illness do not take into account the complex nature of the relationship between serious mental illness and violence, much of which is due to additional factors such as substance abuse. However, the link is unclear since research has shown that violence in mentally ill people occurs more in interpersonal environments. It is also mentionable that school size can play a role on the presence of shooter mental health concerns. This adds important nuance to the idea that larger schools are more prone to mass violence by showing that the stress associated with school shootings essay the personal support given in a smaller community is a weight on students.

A opinion piece published by U. This study also concluded that many people with mental illnesses do not engage in violence against others and that most violent behavior is due to factors other than mental illness. In a New Republic essay, Columbine author Dave Cullen describes a subset of school shooters and other mass murderers known as "injustice collectors", or people who "never forget, never forgive, [and] never let go" before they strike out. The essay describes and school shootings essay on the work of retired FBI profiler Mary Ellen O'Toole, who has published a peer-reviewed journal article on the subject. It school shootings essay long been debated whether there exists a correlation between school shooting perpetrators and the type of media they consume.

A popular profile for school shooters is school shootings essay who has been exposed to school shootings essay enjoys playing violent video games. However, this profile is considered by many researchers to be misguided or erroneous. Ferguson has argued that a third variable of gender explains the illusory correlation between video game use and the type of people who conduct school shootings. Ferguson explains that the majority of school shooters are young males, who are considerably more aggressive than the rest of the population. A majority of gamers are also young males.

Thus, it appears likely that the view that school shooters are often people who play violent video games is more simply explained by the third variable of gender. The idea of profiling school shooters by the video games they play comes from the belief that playing violent video games increases a person's aggression level, which in turn, can cause people to perpetrate extreme acts of violence, such as a school shooting. There is little to no data supporting this hypothesis Ferguson, [ citation needed ] but it has become a vivid profile used by the media since the Columbine Massacre in A summation of past research school shootings essay video game violence finds that video games have little to no effect on aggression.

Shooting massacres in English-speaking countries often occur close school shootings essay in time. Neither was seeking fame, but with the new television news climate, they received it anyway, school shootings essay. He had hoped to kill nearly ten times as school shootings essay people, but had arrived at the beauty college campus school shootings essay early. Upon his arrest, school shootings essay, he was without remorse, saying simply, "I wanted people to know who I was, school shootings essay.

However, much more work is needed with greater scope on investigations, school shootings essay, to understand whether this is a real phenomenon or not. Some attribute this to copycat behavior, [51] [52] which can be correlated with the level of media exposure. Recent premeditative writings were presented according to court documents and showed Joshua O'Connor wrote that he wanted the "death count to be as high as possible so that the shooting would be infamous". O'Connor was arrested before he was able to carry out his plan. One of the infamous books, the novel Rage by Stephen King written under the pseudonym Richard Bachmanwas linked to five school school shootings essay and hostage situations that took place between and ; [58] [59] [60] [61] the most recent of these, Heath High School shooting inwas ultimately influential in King's decision to pull the book out of print for good.

School shootings are a "modern phenomenon". There were scattered instances of gunmen or bombers attacking schools in the years before the Frontier Middle School shooting in Moses Lake, Washington in"but they were lower profile", school shootings essay to journalist Malcolm Gladwell in A study by Northeastern University found that "four times the number of children were killed in schools in the early s than today". On August 27,NPR reported that a U. Education Department report, released earlier in the year, for the — school year said "nearly schools reported at least 1 incident involving a school-related shooting". However, when NPR researched this 'claim', it could confirm only 11 actual incidents. This article is listed in chronological order and provides school shootings essay details of incidents in which a firearm was discharged at a school in Canada, including incidents of shootings on a school bus.

Mass killings in Canada are covered by a List of massacres in Canada. A ban on the ownership of handguns was introduced in the United Kingdom with the exception of Northern Ireland following the massacre. Over the next 3 days, people excluding the gunmen were killed, including hostages who reportedly died after the roof of the gymnasium collapsed during a fire caused by an explosion.

What Causes Mass Shootings? - The Daily Show

, time: 9:03

School Shooting Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

school shootings essay

WebIn recent years, a quite common violent crime has drawn the attention of many, school shootings. These events have changed school communities across the nation in that law WebMost Popular Essays slide 4 to 5 of 9 Reflective Essay on Bad Day: The Spark of School Shootings A Bad Day School Shooting Bang, bang, the sound echoes throughout the WebEssay On School Shootings. Words4 Pages. Since the Columbine High School shooting, school shootings have become a common occurrence. People have become

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